Mortgage CalculatorAlways be yourself, because the people that matter don't mind, and the ones who do mind, don't matter. - Unknown
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Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Payments

We used to have to refer to a mortgage table to figure out what our mortgage payment will be. Now it's easy. Use the home mortgage calculator below and get an instant answer.

Mortgage rates vary significantly, depending on your credit score. To calculate your home mortgage rate based on different interest rates, use the calculator below. Simply enter the house price, down payment you will be making, number of years of the loan and an interest rate. Your monthly mortgage payment will be instantly calculated.

If your credit score is lower than it should be because of errors in your credit report, Lexington Law can help you get rid of those errors and repair your credit report.

If there are no errors, there are still things you can do to raise your credit score and get a lower interest rate. Click here to get some help in raising your credit score.


Repair your Credit and raise your score with
Lexington Law


Find out how much you could save with a lower interest rate.

House Price Term   Years
Down Payment Interest Rate %


Loan amount
Total Payments
Monthly Payment****
**** Does not include mortgage insurance, closing cost, homeowners insurance, etc...

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